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Re: filmscanners: Primefilm 1800i

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001 20:36:11 -0700  Arthur Entlich (artistic@ampsc.com) 

> It is not produced by Microtek, and I do not believe the Microtek 35 is 
> the same product.  It may be called other names in the UK, however.

AFAIK it is produced by Pacific Image who are a brand owned by Microtek, 
and I believe used for entry-level flatbed scanners which are sold at 
lower prices than Mtek. Whether it is built by Mtek themselves or under 
contract somewhere I don't know, but Pacific Image and Microtek are 
definitely associated. I think the Microtek 35 is based on the same 
hardware, but with some cosmetic differences. I suspect they found they 
had marketing difficulties with the relatively unknown PI label simply 
obscuring the scanner from prospective buyers.  

The Kodak RFS3600 shares the same basic design, but is much higher spec, 
and 3600ppi, and is supposedly built by Mtek.


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner 
info & comparisons


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