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RE: filmscanners: Nikon 8000ED

> What about the ls-4000?
> > I am waiting for Polaroid (or someone else) to release a 4000+dpi 35 mm
> > slide scanner with ICE^3.  Looking at the current prices on the 
> > SS4000 ($950
> > according to CNET) and the $200 rebate currently being offered, I expect
> > something soon.

Sorry, I should have made it clearer - from what I have read the Nikons
(2000 and 4000) have more noise than the SS4000.  I expect  (hope?) that
either Polaroid or Minolta will come out with a scanner that does what I
want in the near future.  Minolta just announced a medium format scanner
that has everything, when will they do 35 mm version?  I am willing to wait
another 6 months and see what appears.  That will give my credit card time
to recover after upgrading my computer system this month.  If nothing else
appears then I will reconsider the Nikon.


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