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filmscanners: Scanwit: Seeing through mount?

I have attached a small snip from a slide I just got back from the
processors. The image is a failure, but I was looking into the dark areas
for signs of the noise (yellow stain) we have discuss here before. What I
found surprised me, it appears the scanner can see though the slide mount!

The film is Fugi Provia 100F and the mounts are a white plastic (Pakon is
embossed on them). (side note - my wife is in trouble, I have fallen in love
again, this time with a film the Provia scans are incredible!)

The snip shows a bottom corner of the slide as scanned and then a section of
that lightened using the levels tool. You can see detail through the mount.
You an also see the lines/stripes/whatever you call them in the green and
blue channels. You can also see a heavy magenta cast to the lightened
shadows, I guess the green channel is not as sensitive in low light

Anyway, take a look and let me know what you think. It appears to me that it
might be possible to put a neutral density filter over a slide or negative
to "fool" the autoexposure system and increase the detail in low levels even
more... or am I misunderstanding what I am seeing?



Attachment: mount.jpg
Description: JPEG image


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