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Re: filmscanners: Link to Nikon 8000 banding example...

"Lawrence Smith" <lsmith@lwsphoto.com> wrote:
"Lawrence wonders why he detects a bit of an attitude in your  reply. I'm
sure they are many others on this list whose work sells for as much or more
than mine does.  If you doubt that I am being truthful, I'd be happy to send
you to a location where you could buy one for yourself ;-)"

Austin Franklin <darkroom@ix.netcom.com> weighed in with:
"Of course a $3000 scanner should give PERFECT scans.  There is no reason
they shouldn't.  Scanners are electronic devices, and technology drives the
prices down, as well as demand.  Many more people are buying scanners.  They
are far far cheaper to make today then they were 3 years, much less 10 years

I don't mean to sound crass, but you really can't be serious, can you?"

So I add:

Lawrence, if you detect an attitude of disrespect, I apologize.  None was
intended. I am not a photographer, and as a common "camera-owner" I have a
great deal of respect for those of you who are true Photographers.

However, I do know a little bit about scanners.  I owned a pretty good
printing company with high-end scanning, from a DS-608 15 years ago, through
several Hell models, ending with a EverSmart Pro. I understand that the
technology is changing, and what was true five years ago isn't necessarily
true today.  My "attitude" is that, today, there is a distinct difference in
the quality that even an "expensive" small format scanner can achieve
compared to a more expensive machine.

I'm sure there are examples of people making wonderful photographs using
inexpensive equipment.  I can recall a spread in Popular Photography many
years ago of absolutely stunning pictures made with a Brownie Hawkeye. But
to contend that a point-and-shoot camera is the equivalent of a D1 would be

Austin, I am serious.  When $3,000 scanners are the equivalent of
$10,000-$30,000 units, people won't be sending them back because they show
significant banding  in every unit.  Until then, I hope people will use
tools as they are intended.  Today's small format scanners do a marvelous
job at making  good scans, but they have their limits.

Preston Earle, ducking again.
I have little use for a man who can't spell a word but one way.--Mark Twain


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