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Re: filmscanners: Vuescan question

Download it and try it out - it's a small program and doesn't alter your
registry if that is a concern, and it won't affect or bother your Nikonscan3

Many including myself use it because the interfact, though not 'fancy' is
straightforward and very easily provides results better than Nikonscan even
after adjusting levels and curves and whatever in Nikonscan.  I prefer to
fine-tune color, contrast and everything else in post-scan processing in
Photopaint or Photoshop or PSP or whatever your favorite program is.


----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Woolfenden
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 4:27 PM
Subject: filmscanners: Vuescan question

I'm a little apprehensive asking this question considering the present
debate , but , I'm a total novice to scanning and you've got to start
I've just bought a Nikon 4000 scanner , which came with the Nikon Scan3
software . I've not even used it enough to form an opinion about it , but am
wondering whether I should be going straight over to vuescan - others have
told me its "better". Is this the case and what does it do that the supplied
stuff wont?
Thanks ,
p.s. I see a few familiar names from the Contax list here - Hi guys!


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