Robert Meier wrote:
> The best thing is still to use corresponding film or a correction
> filter to do a rough correction. Otherwise, some of the film layers
> will be underexposed.
Yes, I know that. But are there any ISO 800 tungsten negs on the market?
They would be great for my stage photography but unfortunately none are
I can't use the blue filter either as at ISO 800 I sometimes get only 1/15s
exposure. And sometimes I have to push the neg to ISO 1600/3200 in order to
freeze movement in low-light situations.
To cope with the yellow cast I expose the negs quite densly, so that at
printing stage I get quite neutral black, not blueish. Unfortunately this
can pose a problem when scanning as I need a really good scanner to expose
the dense highlights in my negs without noise.
Hope that Nikon 4000/ IV ED is up to the task.
Tomasz Zakrzewski
fotografia - tomasz zakrzewski
Which ones depends on the light source. The rest
> can be fixed in PS.
> Robert
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