On Mon, 6 Aug 2001 09:15:55 +1000 =?iso-8859-1?Q?Rob=20Geraghty?=
(harper@wordweb.com) wrote:
> For the purchase price of Vuescan it might be worth trying with the
> SS4000
> just to see how much difference calibration really makes?
> It occurs to me to wonder how much difference IT8 calibration on a film
> scanner makes?
Vuescan is based on IT8 calibration, but it's hard-coded into the program
and not something the user can do for their individual scanner. IME
differences between examples of the same scanner are very small, so this is
not a significant downside. However Ed did comment a while back that, as
you'd expect, there's more variation at the budget end of the market.
Paradoxically, cheap scanners would benefit more from individual
Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner info
& comparisons