"Arthur Entlich" <artistic@ampsc.com> wrote:
> I am very intrigued by the number of people on this list how have color
> deficiency. Does anyone know how common this is in the general
> population (or even just the male population)?
I'll have to look that one up. I *think* it's more common in men than
but I don't remember the numbers. Maybe the hospital library has an
appropriate text somewhere...
> I also find it interesting that a very color demanding field
> (Photography with interest in digital scanning) would attract so many
> people who have to deal with color perception disabilities.
My father once tested all the people in a publishing company's art
department after he had so many disagreements over colour balance.
It turned out that several were colour blind and had no idea they were;
but then it was back in the 70's.
I agree it's intriguing. But I don't remember seeing figures on how many
people with colour perception problems are in professions where it's an
issue. Another one of those surveys it would be interesting to take - if
you could. :) I had a friend at school who was red-green colourblind.
I don't remember ever meeting a woman who was colourblind.