--- RogerMillerPhoto@aol.com wrote:
> Well, my Photoshop 6.0 (on a PC) doesn't offer any compressed TIFF
> file
> formats. When doing a "Save-as" for a 48-bit file, I was given three
> choices: TIFF(*.TIF), Ras(*.RAW), and Photoshop(*.PSD,*.PDD)
Hm, I have many more choices o PS6.0 on a PC. Maybe you have not chosen
certain formats during installation. Anyway, I think even if so as you
can chose tiff you should also be able to use compression, i.e. after
you hit the save button a dialog asks you for the byte order format
(little of big endian) and a checkbox where you can chose if you want
LZW or not.
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