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RE: filmscanners: Good neg stck on Scanwit

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Gordon [SMTP:mail@davidgordon.co.uk]
> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 11:21 PM
> To:   Filmscanners
> Subject:      RE: filmscanners: Good neg stck on Scanwit
> Oostrom, Jerry [Jerry.Oostrom@Alcatel.nl] wrote on Mon, 13 Aug
> 2001 15:48:10 +0200
> >Kodak Supra negative stock seems to scan with less
> >grainy appearance than the Fuji Superia 400 film.
> Maybe what Kodak claim is true then! The finest grained 400 neg film
> available...
[Oostrom, Jerry]  I don't know about that. Perhaps Kodak when they tried to
make this film better for scans didn't only do something about its toughness
to stand scratches, but also said: most filmscanners up-to-that-date are
around 2800ppi, let's make something that suffers less from grain-aliasing
in those kinds of scanners. That's what I like filmmakers to do if they say
they make a film optimised for scanning.



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