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Re: filmscanners: Best film scanner, period!!!


Of course Imacon is the benchmark of film scanners but I hardly think that
most photographers could consider one.  They start at $10,000 with specs
that are not as good as the Nikon 8000 and go up to the $15,000 model which
is the benchmark.  Although money was not necessarily the issue when I
purchased my Nikon 8000 I could not see the images from the Imacon as five
times better.  I owned the Minolta Dimage Multi for about two years and was
pleased with the results.  My Nikon 8000 produces much higher quality scans
and it was a grand more than the Minolta.  Perhaps one of these days I will
find an Imacon at a "fire sale" but I certainly won't hold my breath.  There
must be a serious learning curve with the Imacon.  I have a friend that has
one and his results are sporadic.  One scan is stunning and the next several
are not so stunning.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven N. Norvich" <snorvich@interaccess.com>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 4:36 AM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: Best film scanner, period!!!

> At 09:21 AM 8/24/01 +0200, you wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >a very direct question...... For top quality purpose, after reading many
> >messages I am still confuse regarding what is considered today, the BEST
> >film scanner around, and which model? SS 4000, Nikon 8000, Minolta Dimage
> >II....... Let's forget for now the budget and let's talk just about pure
> >performance, mostly about resolution, max dmax and details, etc,
> >Thanks for your consideration; Andrea
> >--
> Probably Imacon in a price range most can consider.
> Best regards,
> Steve
> Steve Norvich
> Quentin Corners #114
> 853 N. Quentin Road
> Palatine, Illinois 60067-0711
> http://www.underwaterphotos.com
> steve@underwaterphotos.com


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