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Re: Getting around the firewire problem was Re: filmscanners: Best film scan...

> plenty of people upgrade their camera equipment
> when better nikon products come on market.

I don't know of any, but I suppose there may be a few geeks out there who are
more interested in buying a newer version of the same thing than in going out
and taking pictures.

> plenty of people replace cars when they become
> obsolete or are to expensive to fix ...

Cars wear out; software does not.  And cars can take several decades to wear
out, not 24 months.

> ... why aren't you mad at the auto industry.

See above.

> ... they also stop making part for car they
> consider old.

Parts are not an issue.

> ... in the time you have written negative response
> to kind suggestions from you could have spent
> reinstalling programs.

Not even remotely.  Also, it is dangerous to assume that all programs _can_ be
reinstalled.  Typically, some things just won't work on a new OS, and there is
no way to get around that.  If the application you need for your business is
among them, you're dead in the water.


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