--- Anthony Atkielski <atkielski.anthony@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> I do image editing all the time. The 2x 200 MHz isn't as fast as
> current
> systems, but it is _fast enough_, just as it was when I bought it.
> You are
> falling prey to the misconception that a newer, faster system somehow
> makes
> older systems inadequate--but an older system that has been adequate
> in the past
> remains so in the future, unless your requirements change, and this
> is true no
> matter how much faster the more modern systems become.
But you are going from a 2700dpi (LS-2000) to a 4000dpi (LS-4000)
scanner. This very obviously does change the requirements of your
system, unless of course you use your new 4000dpi scanner only at
2700dpi. In addition, time seems to be of critical importance to you.
Even a cheap new system will outperform and old dual PPro@200Mhz by a
big margin, especially if you have lots of memory and a fast HD. So you
would be well advice to upgrade your computer.
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