> Austin
> I am new to this list and have never heard of a Leafscan 45.
> Would you tell
> me more about it. Where is it sold and what does it cost? What
> is the dpi
> and its other features? Can I find a review of it?
> Martin
They are not available new, only used. They have been the high(est) end CCD
scanner since 1989, until the Imacon came out...though some still believe
the Leaf gives better scans. It scans 35mm at 5080, 120 at 2540 and 4x5 at
1200. They sell for around $2000 in perfect condition, with film holders
and interface card. The spec sheet is at:
They show up on eBay every now and then. I do not recommend them for anyone
who is not reasonably technical, since you will be doing your own
maintenance on them.