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Re: filmscanners: OT:X-ray fogging

--- Anthony Atkielski <atkielski.anthony@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> Robert writes:
> > Because you don't know how well they have
> > stored the film.
> What reason is there to believe that it would be stored any worse
> than at home?
> And how do you know how well film is stored at home?

Because I've seen it many times with my own eyes. And I am not even
talking about the guys who sell film on the street with the package
already faded out, photo shops storing film right behind a glass window
where the hot sun shines at it, etc. I am also talking about other
photo shops where inproper storage is not that evident. It's not that
it happens only in other countries but in other countries I don't know
the source whereas here I know it.

> How much difference does improper storage make?  And what do you
> consider
> improper storage?

Huh, so you think improper storage doesn't make any noticable
difference? I don't think the x-ray for handbagage is much worse
(unless you scan it many many times) then improper storage of film.
> > And I don't really feel like finding a good
> > professional place to buy my film when I have
> > lots of other stuff to worry about.
> Like having all the photography from your trip ruined by x-ray
> fogging.

If you prepare yourself good enough there is no problem with x-ray.
Thousands of amateur and professional photographers have done it.

Anyway, I have the impression you are only here to argue, even about
things that are quite obvious and without ever changing your opinion by
just a tiny bit. Therefore, it does not make any sense to respond to
any of your messages anymore.


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