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RE: filmscanners: ReSize, ReSample or ReScan ?

Austin wrote:

> Don't buy into this "magic resolution" claim.

 I understand your reasoning.  But maybe I did not ask my
question very well.  I have read in several places (including
this list) that certain printers are "set" for lack of a better
word or optimized to certain value of DPI.  For example I have
read that the Epson 1280 (my printer) defaults to 720 dpi, so
according to one person, the printer has less adjusting or
approximating of colors if the image sent to the printer is at
240 dpi (240 = 1/3 of 720).  In a pervious life I also used an HP
printer and read more then once that that printer worked best at
200 dpi (and worse at 100 or 300 dpi).

On the surface it seems logical to me that any printer has
certain registrations for its print head.  The amount of ink can
be  varied, but if in preparing the image I can use color
resolution that essentially equal the printer's registration all
should be more smoothly at locations in the image where big
changes in color or contrast occur.  (This is my engineering head
speaking, so you must consider the source.<BG>)


Gordon Potter   <twocybers@home.com>
Nashville, TN 37215



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