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Re: filmscanners: NIKON LS 4000 AND D1X

The cost of a  24 x 36  6 miljon  ccd chips is today  around 2000USD.
Its takes  months to make a  chip.
Next generation of CMOS will probably cut  down the price.

The resolution from 24 x 36 chip is better than Nikon D1X   but not 
significant much  better.  My friend Lars Kjellberg at Photodo have done 
some tests regarding the new Kodak 760 , Nikon D1X
and Phase One backpack to Hasselblad. It was after this test I decide to buy 
the Nikon D1X
If I use 100 ISO film and below there are more resolution, details in the 
film ,  but the cleanness and colors are unbeatable in D1X.
Mikael Risedal

>From: "Anthony Atkielski" <atkielski.anthony@wanadoo.fr>
>Reply-To: filmscanners@halftone.co.uk
>To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
>Subject: Re: filmscanners: NIKON LS 4000 AND D1X
>Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 13:59:31 +0200
>Mikael writes:
> > The scanner Ls4000 and negative or positive film
> > are inferior to  the D1x file regarding colors,
> > smoothness .cleanness and information (above 100ISO
> > film)
>The "above 100 ISO" is quite a significant qualifier.  What about photos at 
>ISO and below?  I hardly ever shoot _above_ 100; I shoot mostly Provia 
>100F, or
>Velvia.  Sometimes I even shoot Technical Pan.
> > The Nikon D1 x produce remarkable clean pictures
> > comparing to film.
>If only it accepted standard lenses with standard focal lengths.
> > What's  around the corner?
>A 24x36 CCD, I hope.

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