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Re: filmscanners: NIKON LS 4000 AND D1X

Keep in mind that just because a sensor is smaller
than 24x36mm doesn't make your lenses obsolete. It
makes them telephoto, and comparatively high speed at
that. The 200 f2.8 might end up a 300 2.8, which can
costs thousands of dollars. It is all in how one lloks
at it. If I were a sports or nature photographer, I
think I'd be in hog heaven with the magnification


--- Anthony Atkielski <atkielski.anthony@wanadoo.fr>
> John writes:
> > The REAL point of getting a 24x36 chip is to
> > make your 35mm lenses be what they're supposed
> > to be. Not some inbetween angle of view as the
> > digital cameras of today are.
> Yes, and until I see that chip, I don't have much
> motivation to move to digital.
> Not when it makes all my existing lenses obsolete.
> Besides, a surface that large would allow for
> extraordinarily high resolution
> with very low noise.

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