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Re: filmscanners: Washed out sky/Vuescan

Why this is so I don't know, but the first thing to try is to set Media type
(on the Device tab) to "Image" instead of "Slide Film".  The developer Ed
Hamrick has suggested this a number of occasions.  You might also experiment
with changing the Gamma and Image brightness settings on the color tab.

The resulting scanned image will by design be at least somewhat washed out,
but this is so that the details in both the highlights and the shadows can
be picked up in the scan rather than thrown away - contrast can be
re-introduced in postprocessing with Photoshop or your other graphics
adjustment program of choice.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Barbara & Martin Greene" <martbarb@earthlink.net>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 8:39 AM
Subject: filmscanners: Washed out sky/Vuescan

| I have a trial version that I'm using with a just purchased Sprintscan
| 4000,and want to be sure I can get the results I want before I buy it.  I
| find the instructions very confusing.  My difficulty is that the colors
| somewhat washed out, especially blue sky.  I'm using a Mac and scanning
| slides.   I'm not sure what my color settings should be, but I've set it
| White Balance
| Auto Blackpoint on
| Black Point 0
| White Point 0.5
| Color Space Adobe RGB
| Gamma 1.8
| Image Brightness 1
| I've tried it both with and without Auto Mask
| Would appreciate suggestions
| Martin


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