> On Sat, 15 Sep 2001 08:41:04 -0400 Barbara & Martin Greene
> (martbarb@earthlink.net) wrote:
> > I'd
> > appreciate if users of the Sprintscan would tell me just how much stuff
> > shows up in their slide scans.
In my SS 4000 35 mm frames, which are mainly Tmax 100, I did a rough count
once. I chose moderately (one stop) underexposed negs or night shots, so white
dust specks/hairs would show up. I scanned with Vuescan at 16 bit straight
through to photoshop and enlarged to 100% and went around the frame and counted
dust specks. I live in a semi-arid area and humidity ranges from 20-50%RH. I
store the negs in mylar sleeves, thumb cut from the side from "Light
Impressions" (and stored in their folder/ box system) to avoid insertion
scratches. I shoot each neg with an anti-static gun, and compressed air from a
rather healthy air compressor (not damaging neg, however), and I wear high
quality cotton gloves. Then I examine negative at an angle under good lighting-
and I almost never see any dust remaining on neg (keep reading tho). I keep an
air cleaner (HEPA) in the room 24/7, overated for the size of room, and I keep
the door closed with a seal on the bottom, and all windows closed, except a
permanently window mounted air conditioner. Yada, yada...
The count varies from 200-1000 spots per frame. I think a lot is due to dry
climate and the increased resolution of scanner, or maybe I should circulate
the air more than I do. The highest numbers come from a processing lab in Utah
(dip and dunk). The lowest numbers come from rolls I have processed myself (I
used a 2 micron water filter at one point) or even better, a little outfit in
New Mexico which actually still does roll tank processing, with fresh
solutions, etc, specializing in B&W only. Since I am VERY low volume, I don't
mind spotting away for two hours or more, as long as I can get up every half
hour to take a quick screaming break.
Hopes that helps.
Jim Hayes
Digital Surrealism
Images at http://www.jymis.com/~jimhayes