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RE: filmscanners: scanned files open larger than indicated

There could be a number of reasons.  First every time you open a file in Photoshop, a duplicate working file is opened in memory; if there were no such duplicate file one would not be able to have a "revert to" feature and maybe not even a history pallet.  All adjustments and changes are made to the duplicate temporary version in memory until you actually save those changes to file whereupon they are made to the file in your designated folder on your hard drive.  Second each time you make a layer, you are using more memory and hence more disk space in the scratch file, which unless you save the file with those layers does not get reflected in the file size in the designated hard drive folder.  Thirdly, Photoshop itself has overhead which gets added to the file sizes when a file is opened up in Photoshop that is not reflected in the actual size of the file itself.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-filmscanners@halftone.co.uk [mailto:owner-filmscanners@halftone.co.uk]On Behalf Of PAUL GRAHAM
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 2:49 PM
To: Filmscanners@Halftone. Co. Uk
Subject: filmscanners: scanned files open larger than indicated

Can someone tell me why my TIF files open larger in Photoshop than their indicated size on the disk?
A 25Mb file opens as 76Mb in Photoshops scratch size indicator
A 130Mb file at around 205Mb
A 330Mb somewhere about 410Mb
what is going on?
these are regular tiffs, I dont use LZW anymore. or any compression as far as I know.
and the memory bloat is really annoying
I have PS6 on W2K.


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