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filmscanners: Polaroid 4000 Instal

I've been closely following reports on the Polaroid SS4000, mine
arrived yesterday afternoon.

For kicks I checked the time when I started to open the box, nice
packaging love the handle on the inner box, till my first scan was in
Photoshop 6.01. Total elapsed time was 30 minutes.

NOTE: My scanner came with the SCSI id set to #7, this is an invalid
SCSI address, I changed the address to #3 which was available on my
system, unhooked my flatbed scanner and hooked up the Polaroid in its
place (temp situation until I decide were I'm going to keep the
Polaroid). Turned on the scanner, (I had previously downloaded the
latest version of Polacolar from the net). 

David a little pink slip about SCSI # sitting ontop of the manual
would probably save you guys tons of support calls. Yes I know that
the SCSI id info is in the manual, but sheeze who reads a manual. :)

btw it took me 30 minutes cuz I spent 5 minutes trying to get the film
holder open for the first time. I kept looking around for those flimsy
film holders I had been reading about and found the two tank like
(compared to my first Sprintscan 35+ film holder) but difficult to
open the first time - film strip & slide holders.

I went looking for some of my problem b&w negatives that I never was
able to scan on my 35+. This time it was basically point and shoot
(scan) with Polacolor in 12 bit mode.

No mess, no fuss how sweet it is . . .

In photoshop a simple level command to set the b&w point, a quick
contrast curve and then downsample to 8 bit.

As a fellow photographer said (he has a 5 year old triple pass
Microtek) my shirt was getting wet cause I was drooling.   :)

At these prices the SS4000 is a great buy.

I'll play around with Silverfast & Viewscan later this week. . .

I'm on a MAC with a dual G4 and a gig of memory. 
Shawn Coggins  http://www.originalgimp.org/index.htm


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