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Re: filmscanners: New film scanner - buying suggestions?

Just to clarify:

The only 35mm Minolta with IR channel is the Elite (and I suppose the
new Elite II).

I'm pretty sure the Polaroids do not have an IR channel, they certainly
don't use it for scratch repair, if there is one.


"Maris V. Lidaka, Sr." wrote:
> I would look at scanners with "Digital ICE" or other dust and scratch
> removal features - e.g. the Nikons, some of the Minoltas, the Acer 2740, and
> I believe Polaroid.  It must have an IR (infrared) channel to do this.
> Especially with your old negatives you will find it very helpful and it will
> save you a lot of time.
> Maris


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