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RE: filmscanners: Warranty issues


In principle I would agree with you but I cannot begin to get into the intricacies of pan European business. How much that changes with the new accords I do not know. I am totally unqualified to get involved in that conversation.

I will pass your comments along though.




-----Original Message-----
From: Preben Kristensen [mailto:krille@tin.it]
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 6:36 PM
To: filmscanners@halftone.co.uk
Subject: Re: filmscanners: Warranty issues


Hi David,


Regarding warranties: I have two SS4000s, one bought in the UK and one in Italy (where I live). Nothing has gone wrong in 8 months/5000 scans - thank you for excellent products!


As you may recall - some months ago, I mentioned the lack of extended (1, 2 or 3 years) warranties in Europe. Immediately after my email to you (again: thank you very much), I was contacted by a nice Polaroid Italy representative offering the extended warranty.


However, as it turned out, because one scanner was bought in the UK, Polaroid Italy could/would not sell me a warranty for that one.


I could buy one extended warranty for one scanner in Italy and one in UK, but, if the UK one goes bad, where is then my "next day" replacement? 


My view is that an extended warranty is a product/service you pay extra for - and it should be independent of where you bought the scanner. The scanners are presumably the same - with equal chances of going wrong - you are paying for the service and those chances. So what's the problem?


Many greetings   Preben


P.S. I think now must be about the right time for the quarterly: How's the bulk slide feeder coming along? question... :-)  


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