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filmscanners: Can't download Silverfast 5.2

On my Mac G4 with Photoshop 6.1 and a Polaroid SS 4000, using the Photoshop
plug in, something happened and I couldn't load Silverfast.  I got a message
that said the plug in was not available.  Looking in the plug in/
import-export folder/ Silverfast folder, I discoverred that the plug in was
not there.  Tried re-downloading 5.2, and each time got same message and
program wouldn't work.  Talked with Silverfast tech support, Martin, who
told me my copy of Photoshop must be corrupted, and I should reinstall it.
Like a jerk, I did, which wasn't easy to do and I had to reinstall and re
configure all sorts of stuff.  The end result was that nothing changed and I
still couldn't open 5.2.  I then reinstalled 5.1.2, from the disk that came
with the scanner and that worked fine.  Again, tried installing 5.2 over
that, and, again, it wouldn't work.  Perhaps, the Silverfast download is
corrupt?  As others have said, their tech support is pitiful.  Any



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