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Re: filmscanners: Ls-4000ED vs. FS-4000 - can you help?

Bernhard Ess wrote:
As I do a lot of b&w , I am curiuous how it performs with the negatives. Another solution would be to shoot in colour and transform it in b&w in the software - in Photoshop (LE) it is quite easy to get nice results. I will check out these options myself.
Absolutely not a solution for me. I treat traditional photography, especially b&w, in a very special way. I won't resign from making enlargments in my darkroom, so using color negs for b&w is not for me. Filmscanning for me is a method of archiving my stuff and making my photography easily viewable for others (that's my biggest problem - there's always too little time to go to the darkroom for half a day, but that's why this list exists. isn't it? ;-)
the Canon is far behind the Nokon concerning Dmax and also noise seems to be a problem. Most people consider the Nikons to be the better choice.
Yes, but what about the usharp corners from Nikon scanners?
I don´t know what you plan to do with the scans
I plan to archive what's best from my ten years' photographying. I;d also use the scanner for placing picture on my web site, showing clients "proff-sheets" for acceptation, but that's a task for any scanner.
but being given that a big limitation is the film format (35mm) itself, maybe the 4000dpi resolution is not really worth the big money and you would be relatively better off with a 2900dpi Coolscan IV.
From this list I know that there might me some problems with grain, especially with fast b&w negs which I like most, when scanned at 2700-2900dpi. 4000dpi is supposedly better suited to grain reproduction (for some too much maybe).
Apart from in case I do some scans commercially for other people, I can offer 4000dpi.
And also if I decide on Nikon scanner I'd choose the one with ability to scan the whole rolls, and that's only possible with LS-4000ED. What about sharpness with this SA-30 roll film adapter?
In any case I don´t think that in 2 years the actual scanner models will have more than 60% of their value.
I don't know how much it will be but certainly more than in case of a more "Exitic" model.
I'd be very happy if I got further answer to the questions I asked in my latest email.  
Tomasz Zakrzewski


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