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RE: filmscanners: Epson 2450 for MF film scanning?

The Perfection 2450 is currently listed on the Epson UK site www.epson.co.uk
and is available in the UK and France. The Epson France site (not the UK
site)has a download for the manual. My command of the French language is
poor but the diagrams show the configuration of the film/slide holder.

I have been waiting for a foothold into MF scanning and I am hoping this is
it. I have seen scans from the 1640 which look 'soft' to my eye. I am hoping
that the 'microprism' and 'micro stepper' technology has overcome this. I
wonder if the weight (spec says 5.6kg)may also help in dampening vibration.
I am struggling with my previous bad experiences at being an early adopter !

Steve Chambers

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-filmscanners@halftone.co.uk
[mailto:owner-filmscanners@halftone.co.uk]On Behalf Of Johnny Deadman
Sent: 13 October 2001 19:02
To: Filmscanners
Subject: Re: filmscanners: Epson 2450 for MF film scanning?

on 10/13/01 12:44 PM, Joe B. at joe-b@clara.co.uk wrote:

> I've been looking at the specification for the Epson Perfection 2450
> scanner and wondering how well it would do with medium format black and
> film scanning. Anyone tried it or know how it performs? Stated to be "2400
> 4800 resolution and internal and external 48 bit colour depth". I did try
> Epson 1200 for this purpose and there was no shadow detail at all and the
> resolution was only good enough for small prints (barely), and I think
> even
> thrown that scanner away since I now can't find it anywhere. But this one
> sounds
> like it would have to be appreciably better. TIA for any info.

where is the info? I am using a 1640 and could use the extra resolution.
John Brownlow



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