I'm so sorry that you received such a nasty letter. The writer obviously
has some problem which he is taking out on you. I do not really think you
need support from anyone, but, it upsets me how very wrong he is. I must
say that for a long time I have admired you for the generoisty with which
you provide such thoughtful, rigorous, and beautifully conceived tutorials
on a wide variety of subjects. Please keep up your fine work, and thanks so
very much for your contributions to this forum.
on 10/14/01 6:08 AM, Ian Lyons at ilyons@mac.com wrote:
> Tony and fellow list members,
> Not for the first time I've received a private email from a member (first
> time from this individual) that seems to suggest my input is not wanted.
> Previously I've ignored such messages, but this time I believe the content
> to be worthy of sharing. The message may provide some insight as to such
> mail lists should be run in the future. Tony will need to provide us all
> with crystal balls and members should only ask questions that are of
> interest to everyone.
> Owen,
>> I am sorry you found my post useless.
> I wrote unrelated to the problem, there is a difference.
>> You should have taken this off-line since it was of no interest
>> to anyone else; except for maybe you.
> I'm now a mind reader. I thought the purpose of the list was to share info
> for the benefit of ALL. Maybe Tony can enlighten me? In the meantime this
> will be my last message until advised of the correct protocols. I'm sure
> that will please everyone else, except you :-)
>> You have championed Silverfast all
>> along and since their support is so poor, you have decided to do it for
>> them..
> I like SilverFast and if you had bothered to check back through the archives
> you will see that I have also had good things to write about VueScan. I've
> also wrote bad things about both, plus some negative comments on hardware
> vendors, etc. So far as LaserSoft is concerned their support tends to be
> less than ideal. However, that is the reason that I write what I write for
> them and;
> Adobe
> Epson
> Canon
> Nikon
> Polaroid
> Praxisoft
> Monacosystems
> Pictographics
> And at least a dozen others besides.
> ALL of these companies use or abuse my material in one way or another.
> Usually they ask for it after users have told them that it exists. I provide
> it free via my web site and to my astonishment some has also found its way
> into other languages, by permission:
> French
> German
> Swedish
> Italian (from memory a fellow list member undertook that work)
> Spanish
>> This makes you a 'really nice guy' but in reality it just boosts your
>> credibility so as to land you future job opportunities. Maybe your posturing
>> and self promotion are all part of the act but I see right through it.
> Given the rather long list it could be argued that I'm really covering my
> options. Job Opportunities, Self Promotion and Posturing? You are kidding -
> you really have no idea why I or any of the other 10's of thousands of folk
> like me on the Net do as we do. NEVER assume that we are in it for money,
> prestige or anything like it - try - because we enjoy helping others and are
> paying back, in our own way, those who have helped us. Frankly it is
> attitudes like yours that make me question why I or anyone else would be so
> stupid as to help others. Then I remember that there are many times more
> folk around the world who do appreciate our efforts.
> As for you seeing right through it - I suggest you see an optician, your
> vision clearly isn't what it should be!
> Ian Lyons
> http://www. web address deleted for fear of being accused of self promotion!
> ----------
> From: "Owen P. Evans" <opevans@istar.ca>
> Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 21:11:02 -0400
> To: <ilyons@mac.com>
> Subject: Fw: filmscanners: Can't download Silverfast 5.2
> Mr. Lyons,
> I am sorry you found my post useless. I found your on-line assistance just
> as boring. You should have taken this off-line since it was of no interest
> to anyone else; except for maybe you. You have championed Silverfast all
> along and since their support is so poor, you have decided to do it for
> them. This makes you a 'really nice guy' but in reality it just boosts your
> credibility so as to land you future job opportunities. Maybe your posturing
> and self promotion are all part of the act but I see right through it.
> As for your groaning; tell to someone who gives a damn.
> Owen
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ian Lyons" <ilyons@mac.com>
> To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
> Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2001 1:31 PM
> Subject: Re: filmscanners: Can't download Silverfast 5.2
>>> And from my experience; don't forget that HDR 5.5 is a Second paying
> upgrade
>>> on top of what you pay for Silverfast 5.5!
>>> Try Vuescan; it works!
>> Really helpful - information that is totally unrelated to the problem.
>>> Try Vuescan; it works!
>> Groan!!!!
>> Ian Lyons
>> http://www.computer-darkroom.com