on 10/14/01 6:08 AM, Ian Lyons at ilyons@mac.com wrote:
> Not for the first time I've received a private email from a member (first
> time from this individual) that seems to suggest my input is not wanted.
> Previously I've ignored such messages, but this time I believe the content
> to be worthy of sharing.
I find your posts very helpful, Ian, but replying to an off-list criticism
on-list is a flagrant breach of netiquette. Your critic was respectful
enough of you and the rest of the list to make his complaint privately. You
should be respectful enough of him and the rest of the list to reply
Imagine yourself standing at a party. Suddenly, some guy raises his voice
and yells "This man has just accused me of sleeping with his wife. Well, I
didn't!". What would you think of him?
John Brownlow