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Re: filmscanners: SilvwerFast NegaFix

at this time I'm using Viewscan for b&w negs 
& Silverfast 5.x (not 5.5) for color negs.
 (don't have that many slides to make a judgement at this time)

I use Polacolor as a slide projector since it does that fastest

Truthfully I haven't figured out SilverFast HDR, installed it but some
things not working correctly as nothing happens other then the 'open'
dialog box.

The ss4000 is head & shoulders above my old Sprintscan 35+, especially
for Tri-X negs.

I did download & deleted 5.5 will need to try that route one more

spent yesterday creating cd's of my initial scans to clear up disk

On Wed, 17 Oct 2001 15:25:38 -0400, you wrote:

>To the best of my knowledge at this time Silverfast AI and HDR can be
>upgraded at the cost of $45 each. I am contacting Lasersoft to find the
>status of the "special" upgrade pricing for recent Sprintscan purchasers.
>Have you downloaded the "demo" version of NegaFix and if so how do you like
> -----Original Message-----
>From:  magpie@digisys.net [mailto:magpie@digisys.net] 
>Sent:  Wednesday, October 17, 2001 3:29 PM
>To:    Filmscanners@halftone.co.uk
>Subject:       filmscanners: SilvwerFast NegaFix
>I'd sure like a clarification concerning upgrade price for SilverFast
>NegaFix. Is it $45 or 2 x $45?
>I'm aware that Polaroid & SilverFast are negotiating a reduced rate
>for recent purchasers of Polaroid scanners, I've waited two weeks
>since getting the scanner to mess with SilverFast and can't put it off
>much longer.
>Shawn Coggins  http://www.originalgimp.org/index.htm

Shawn Coggins  http://www.originalgimp.org/index.htm


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