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RE: filmscanners: Glass slide mounts

Thanks everyone for the great info, I've mounted quite a few more slides
since then and had no problems. Am starting to mount them the correct way
around now and blown up can't see any interference from the coating. I must
say though that the difference between the mounts and feed mechanisms is
huge. I rate them in this order on my LS4000 from worst to best.

Std. Mounted Slides
FH-3 Strip Film Holder in Slide Carrier
SA-21 Strip Film Feeder
Glass Slide Mounts

>to obtain scans, I will not mount my next slide films -- I will cut them

Yep, this is what I did at first, and good improvement there too. With my
favorites, I'm taking them out and mounting them individually in Glass.

>the whole frame is less cropped than with the slide holder).

Yes, thats the advantage with the holder.. Why oh why do these mounts cut
off some of the frame?? I have to say it's a close call between the FH3 and
SA21, but I think and contrary to popular opinion I personally get sharper
scans from the SA21.. Go figure..!



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