Hi Paul--
In fact the "favorite slide" I mentioned has been in a Spiratone
SnapIt plastic mount for the past 10 years at least. It IS visibly
curved, but not by cardboard.
It is interesting that, as you say, I've never heard this complaint
from LS-8000 owners.
--Thanks, Bill
At 2:05 PM -0700 21-10-01, Paul Graham wrote:
>I would ship some of them over to plastic mounts and see what changes that
>makes. Of course if your film has been sitting for years in a bowed card
>mount, then it would have to be a glass slide to force it back into shape.
>Do you find exactly the same problem with plastic mounted kodachromes?
>The other thought: all the posts complaining about this issue have been from
>4000 owners too. none from 8000 people. hmmm.
Bill Fernandez * User Interface Architect * Bill Fernandez Design
(505) 346-3080 * bill@billfernandez.com * http://billfernandez.com