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Re: filmscanners: Minolta Scan Multi Pro REVIEW???

David --

Look at: http://www.imaging-resource.com/SCAN/DSMP/DSMA.HTM

I'm still wondering about the LONG scan times for MF film at highest 
resolution. The Minolta specs state a MUCH shorter time -- 230 seconds as I 
recall. Could it be the slow Mac they were using at Image-Resource.com? Or 
that they scanned their test at 4800 ppi (requiring pixel interpolation) 
instead of the scanner's maximum optical resolution of 3200 for 
medium-format film? I'd like to know the scan time at 3200 ppi (with and 
without Digital Ice) on a well-configured Windows machine -- with SCSI and 
also with Firewire. Has anyone timed their scanner, and could they please 
provide scan-time information to the List?

At 10:45 AM 10/22/2001 -0500, you wrote:

>Hello there:
>Just wondering if anyone has come across an actual test review of the
>Minolta Scan Multi Pro unit?
>(Not the Press Release...but the "real thing")
>Thanks in advance!
>Joyfully,  -david soderman- <><
>SBG-Priority: 5 (Lowest) http://www.internz.com/SpamBeGone/


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