> I've noticed that I get much better results from Nikon Scan 3.1 if I
> disable color management. If I continue using this technique, I assume I
> make a profile for the scanner that I'd assign to images in Photoshop. I
> also use this profile with VueScan when scanning in raw format - at least,
> that's what I think.
Do not use VueScan for a 'real' raw scan. Vuescan does something to the CCD
data (I forgot what exactly, but it is in the help file).
As for the Nikon device profile: The only place you can use it is in
Photoshop opening the raw scan and assigning the device profile in the 'missing
profile' dialog. Vuescan uses its own version while scanning, not a custom-made
one. And after the image comes out of Vuescan, you don't want to assign a
device profile anymore, but rather use a working space profile.
Barbara Nitz
GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.