Thanks for that Petru - I must have missed that wonderful Tony Sleep
contribution :)
I too have grave doubts about the Imaging Resource reviews - as Tony says,
their comments about never having seen a >2800 dpi scanner and the fact that
they were seemingly unaware of grain-aliasing until recently, makes me take
their reviews with, er, a large dose of salts.. :)
My own ability to extract a good scan has increased in leaps and bounds over
the last 2 years so I am very wary of reading into sample scans, even if they
are by 'experts'. I reckon you have to use a scanner for quite a while and
work hard at extracting the absolute maximum before you can claim to be getting
it 'all'.
I guess I am now such a cynic I won't believe anybody..!
mark t
Petru said:
> I wouldn't rely too much on imaging-resource's
> scanner reviews....
> PS: if you would like to have a good laugh, see Tony Sleep's message..
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