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Re: filmscanners: Loading the Polaroid 4000 Filmstrip Carrier?

Johnny Johnson wrote:
> At 07:56 PM 10/25/01 -0400, Martin Greene wrote:
> >I'm amazed, but I just can't figure out how to open the filmstrip carrier.
> >Would appreciate help.
> Hi Martin,
> If you think getting it open is a pain - just wait until you try to load it
> with film.  ;-)
> The catch operates just like it looks.  You just have to press really,
> really hard.  It'll wear in with use.  It won't get easier to load.
> Later,
> Johnny
> __________________________
> Johnny Johnson
> Lilburn, GA
> mailto:jjohnso4@mediaone.net

Rather than pushing on the catch, you might want to try this method.
For right-handed people, with the top of the carrier facing you and
the hinge on the left, grab the edges of the carrier just to the
right of frame six. Bow the top with your left fingers by pulling up
on the ~ 1 cm web with the thumb and next finger, and pushing down
on the silk screened area with the middle finger. I does not take
much of a bow to release the catch. This would not work to open
the top with a six-frame film strip inserted, but mine never exceed five.



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