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Re: filmscanners: SS4000 - Insight too hot?

If you want to scan color negatives, you really need to upgrade Silverfast to 5.5 as its NegaFix film profile feature is a big improvement.  Silverfast will output high-bit (48-bit) files, but it's a raw output.  You have to do all processing on that file with Silverfast HDR, Photoshop, or something similar.  If you can get Insight to work for you, and are eventually happy with the results, then the complications of the Silverfast interface may be something you won't have to deal with.

In a message dated 10/28/2001 1:10:35 PM Pacific Standard Time, kingphoto@mindspring.com writes:

don't really like the Silverfast interface - too many gizmos, and
the one scan I tried so far wasn't encouraging.  If Silverfast would
simplify the interface and allow ai to output hi-bit I would be more
interested.  As it is, I don't think I'm going to be using it unless
it works better for chromes.


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