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Re: filmscanners: Bulk scanning with Vuescan

You can do that.

>From the Help files, "Advanced Workflow Suggestions":

"You can later batch-process these raw files by changing the "Device|Scan from" 
option to "Disk", and set the "Device|Frame numbers" option to 1-N.  For 
instance, if you produce raw files named scan0001.tif, scan0002.tif, ..., 
scan098.tif, you can re-scan all these files without needing to insert the film 
again by setting the frame numbers to 1-98 and then using the "Scan" button."


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Bloor" <asia@seratel.ie>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 8:45 AM
Subject: filmscanners: Bulk scanning with Vuescan

| I know that I can leave Vuescan to process a complete film of raw TIFF 
| files into colour corrected, viewable TIFFs, JPEGs etc. by saying I want to 
| process disk files "9999-01+" and frames "1-36".
| Is there anyway I can get Vuescan to process all the files in a directory 
| ?  e.g.  Take all the files in C:\RAW and process them into C:\DONE.  Then 
| 1234-01.TIF in C:\RAW would produce 1234.TIF and/or 1234.JPG in 
| C:\DONE.  This would allow me to leave a PC processing overnight.
| Ed - if this isn't currently possible, could it be done ?
| Mike Bloor


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