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RE: filmscanners: 2700ppi a limiting factor in sharpness?

> I don't mind grain, in fact for certain things I kinda like it.  I
> like the slightly "impressionistic" effect of the image falling apart
> as you get very close, and then see the "molecular" structure of the
> image instead.  There can be a certain beauty in that.

Absolutely!  If it's intentional, then that's not at all what I was talking
about.  I purposely shoot Tri-X at 800 TO get grain.

> But still, I
> don't find current 800 films that grainy.  I feel that Fuji NHGII
> probably has the finest grain of the current crop, and that's what I
> shoot.

Wow, that's the film I quickly disposed of because it was way too grainy.

> To me a "great" print is one that is faithful to the original film,
> and/or the artists intent.  That leaves a lot of room, doesn't it?


> The shot on your web site is quite nice BTW, and I usually don't like
> "kid" shots.

Thank you.

> > BTW, what the heck did you mean by "Based on the orientation..."?
> Did I say that??  :)

Yeah, like I'm facing East or something?


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