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RE: filmscanners: OT-portfolio
I'm hoping others will respond on-list because this is probably of interest
to many of us. Since it is labeled OT, it can be deleted by those not
Great images Tomasz! I'm working on a project due tomorrow and I was
excessively distracted by the images on your website, but it was worthwhile.
I think large images can be very dramatic. When we put a portfolio together,
it all depends on the subject material. For brides, and other portraits, we
frequently use water color paper. It makes wonderful enlargements because
the texture hides some of the grain issues with enlargement. I don't know
what is practical for you to carry around, but a 12 by 8 or even 18 by 12
can be very impressive. For portrait proofs, we usually use 9 by 6 on matte
paper. The customers tend to like this size because it gives them some idea
as to what the image will look like big. For architectural or technical
images we usually use glossy and if I were carrying them around I would
probably use the 9 by 6 or 12 by 8. It seems like the glossy expresses
better detail, which is what I would use on architectural or technical
These comments are for 35 mm. Medium format would obviously have a different
aspect ratio and size.
This is very subjective and I would print several different sizes and
textures, then take them to some of your favorite customers and friends and
get their opinions.
Good luck! I'm sure you will do well.
Jack Phipps
Applied Science Fiction