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filmscanners: Re: filmscanners: Best solution for HD and images

Ezio wrote:
>I really cannot understand why it would be needed such a complication and
>dependancy from the controller vendor when the SCSI hard drives cost almost
>the same (or 20% more max) of IDE hard drives !

Ezio, I know we've been here before, but SCSI isn't a cheap option for everyone.
 Certainly, if I was in the US and had access to the sorts of prices you
quote from ebay, I'd use SCSI... well, there's other problems.  If I wanted
to use a 10Krpm SCSI drive I'd also have to fit a cooling fan in my computer
and move house to somewhere that had air-conditioning.  I simply couldn't
run such hard drives in 30+C temperatures reliably.  I can buy two 7200rpm
IDE drives locally for about US$250, plus another US$45 for an IDE RAID
controller.  The SCSI option (in Australia) would cost me US$200 for the
SCSI controller card, and at least US$500 for an equivalent capacity 10Krpm
SCSI drive. Plus, the IDE drives would behave themselves more reliably outside
of an airconditioned office.

Obscanning: on a completely different topic, I've just taken a roll of Provia
100F using two L series Canon lenses.  I should get back the results tomorrow
so I can get an idea of how much difference the lenses made in scanning
on the LS30.


PS I got two more of my photos on the magazine cover. Scanned with the LS30
and they look great! :)

Rob Geraghty harper@wordweb.com


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