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Re: filmscanners: pixels, printer dots, etc

On Tue, 13 Nov 2001 14:54:46 -0500, you wrote:

>"Ken Durling" <kdurling@earthlink.net> asked:
>"My question is, what does this say about print resolution?  The printer
>is obviously using a certain number of dots to produce one pixel.  Is
>this number of dots specified simply by selecting the print resolution
>in the printer driver menu?"
>I'm not sure if this answers your question, but Dan Margulis has a very
>informative article on Resolution from his Professional Photoshop book
>at <http://www.ledet.com/margulis/PP6_Chapter14.pdf>. If you haven't
>gotten the book, it's money well spent.
>Preston Earle

Thanks very much, Preston.  I'm printing that chapter out as I type
this, and will most likely get that book.  

And thanks to others who responded, too.  I'm enjoying this learning
curve - especially because I can see the results coming out of my
printer! - an Epson 820 I just got, BTW.  

Ken Durling

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