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Re: filmscanners: SS120 and Silverfast/Vuescan


I too had a good deal of trouble opening Silverfast.  I'm using Photoshop 6
on a Mac G4.  But, with much effort I did get it to work.  Don't ask how
because I do not remember.  Then, after comparing scans made and color
corrected with much effort in Silverfast to those made with Vuescan without
corrections, I concluded that, despite all of the tinkering in Silverfast,
Vuescan gave me color that was much closer to the slides and much more to my


on 11/16/01 4:38 PM, Barbara White at barbara@barbarawhitephoto.com wrote:

> I'm a new owner of this scanner and I'm wondering if anyone else has a
> problem  with Silverfast and Photoshop! So far version 5.2 and 5.5 will
> not run on my Photoshop (6.0) and the tech guy doesn't seem to know why.
> Any ideas?
> Should I just skip it and go to Vuescan? What are the advantages of Vuescan?
> Thanks for any replies.
> Barbara
> Barbara White/Architectural Photography
> http://www.barbarawhitephoto.com


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