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filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: LS 4000 depth of field issue - what about LS 30/LS 2000?

Ralf wrote:
>after reading all that stuff as to the LS 4000 DOF issue, I'd be
>interested in learning what the LS 30 and LS 2000 owners have
>experienced in that respect. I have a LS 30 with which I have never run
>across DOF problems - however, I don't use the motor driven film strip
>feeder but the tiny metal/plastic film strip holder.

I've never had DOF problems using the film strip feeder or (as far as I
can remember) mounted slides.  I have had DOF problems with very curled
film strips in the film strip feeder - with frames on the end of the strip.
 If the film curls, the side of the frame closest to the end of the strip
will be out of focus.  Middle frames of a strip are fine.

> If I had to buy a new unit tomorrow, I would, in evaluation
> of what was written here, most likely go for the LS 2000 or
> even the LS 30 again rather than pick the newer models that
> seem problematic in that respect.

AFAIK most of the DOF problems have been with mounted slides?  Has anyone
had problems with film strips in the holder?

> BTW, *if* there is a difference between LS-30/2000 and
> LS-40/4000 as to DOF there must be a reason for it.

The effective magnification at 4000ppi is higher than at 2700ppi.  That
would amplify any problem which was already there, especially if the light
source is no brighter.  But you may be right - the new lenses may have an
even narrower DOF in the first place.


Rob Geraghty harper@wordweb.com


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