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Re: filmscanners: X-ray scanners/etc

Hi Hersch,

Well this whole conversation has been interesting, it does sound like you
are damned if you do and dammed if you don't. Maybe when things become
standardized, there will be an answer to how to transport our film. I still
don't understand how processed film could be damaged. I just called my
professional lab and they said the notice to not send processed or
unprocessed film through the US mail came from the post office itself.

John in OKC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hersch Nitikman" <hersch@silcom.com>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: X-ray scanners/etc

| No, the lead lined bags are not good enough any longer for checked
| Many airports (and they won't say which) are now equipped with much more
| powerful X-Rays than they used to use. They WILL damage film, especially
| high speed film. The only safe way to take unprocessed film by air is in
| personal carry-on bags, where they will be hand inspected. If you can,
| depending on your schedules, you are probably safest with locally
| and processed film, if staying a few days in or near a major urban center.
| The processing is probably no more unreliable than what you have at home.
| "Perfection eludes us".  <G>
| Hersch
| At 10:15 AM 11/21/2001, you wrote:
| >Jack,


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