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RE: filmscanners: SprintScan 120 Success with VueScan 7.2.8

And no banding either :)
Could not resist, please forgive me!!

 -----Original Message-----
From:   EdHamrick@aol.com [mailto:EdHamrick@aol.com] 
Sent:   Wednesday, November 21, 2001 7:20 AM
To:     filmscanners@halftone.co.uk
Subject:        filmscanners: SprintScan 120 Success with VueScan 7.2.8

Polaroid loaned me a SprintScan 120 today, and I've been
testing it with VueScan 7.2.8.  It seems to work perfectly, and
I can't get it to fail.

I've also scanned a really, really dark slide that I have, and
the SprintScan 120 has virtually _no_ noise in the dark areas -
the images look quite nice.  There's no need for multi-scanning
on this scanner.

The scanner I'm testing has firmware version 1.10.  If anyone
has firmware versions before this, could they test VueScan
7.2.8 with it?

Ed Hamrick


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