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R: filmscanners: Novice scanner

> Da: John Pendley [mailto:jpendley@alltel.net]
> Hello everybody,
> I'd like to introduce myself and ask for some help.  I've 
> been lurking for 
> about a week and haven't seen anything aimed low enough that 
> I could profit 
> from it--at least not now.

Well, I'm a novice too, and I'm lurking from two days...
Moreover I'm italian and my knowledge of your language is a sort of wall for

> I have an Acer ScanWit 2720S and Epson 1270 printer, and I'm using 
> Photoshop 5.  The scanner sat here for months while all sorts 
> of friends 
> and technical support people tried to keep Windows 98 from 
> installing its 
> SCSI card right where it created an IRQ conflict.

This is amazing for me: my ScanWit 2720s works reallly good on a
Pentium166MMM with W98...

> ...All of the prints I've made so far, color and B&W, exhibit 
> excessive  "grain."

I usually scan transparency and I've not this kind of problem...
I've scanned also negative, Kodak Royal Gold 100, 400 and 1000 without

Only grains problem when scan Scotch 3200 I've used for astronomy works, but
it's a 3200!!

I don't know how I can help you, sorry



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