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filmscanners: CanonScan 2710 and Vuescan

I recently bought a refurbished CanoScan 2710.  I also bought and later down 
loaded the latest copy of Vuescan.  I did not install the Canon software at all.

My problem is that I am getting soft scans.  Even at 2710 resolution, the scans 
seem to be a little out of focus.  What I am doing is scanning and then 
comparing the scans to the slide on a light table.  I am new to film scanner, 
so I don't want to blame the scanner just yet.  But if I have a problem, I want 
to send it back quickly to Canon for check out.  Am I expecting too much.  I 
read Tony Sleep's page about scanner problems and slightly soft scans.  I have 
seen the results from others on the web using CanoScan 2710's and they are 
getting much better results.

Does anyone have any advice for using Vuescan and the CanoScan 2710.

My problems, are:
1. The vuescan documentation is not very good.  Being new to film scanners I am 
not sure what settings I need, (for good sharpness and good color).
2. Not sure what focus mode to use in vuescan.  Not sure what the options 
really mean, "Preview, Scan, Always, etc".
3. Do I need to perform some sort of calibrations to get good focus?
4. Cant get any help via searching the filmscanenrs archive.  I have tried to 
search the archives, but I get no results no matter what words I search on.  I 
have been using this site: http://phi.res.cse.dmu.ac.uk/htdig/ .  For example, 
I have searched on 2710*, but I get "No matches were found for '2710*'".  Is 
there another option?
5. Finally, what are the best settings for good color.  So far my colors are 


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