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RE: filmscanners: VueScan on Minolta Scan Multi Pro???

>> I just released VueScan 7.2.10

Thanks Ed. Any chance that the next version will have 'intelligent'
cropping/frame offset added, as discussed earlier in the week? :-)

Also, it's only a small issue but could the installer have an optional
install directory? I prefer all my apps to go in the 'Program Files'
folder, rather than in the root directory. I'm presuming that your
installer is cross-platform; if you want a simple (and free) installer
which can handle this requirement, I'd suggest Inno-Setup
(www.innosetup.com). It's the installer I use for my software[1], and is
easy to configure. In fact, so easy I'd be very willing/happy to knock
up a quick VueScan install script for you. :-)



[1] http://www.webreaper.net - it's free, and it's an offline browser
(website grabber). I mention it not just as a blatant plug, but because
it's quite a handy tool for (amongst other things) pulling collections
of images/photos down from the web - something that may be relevant


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