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[filmscanners] Vuescan 7.3.10 default folder: slashes reversed

  • To: lexa@www.lexa.ru
  • Subject: [filmscanners] Vuescan 7.3.10 default folder: slashes reversed
  • From: "S Schwartz" <snsok@swbell.net>
  • Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2002 15:19:25 -0600
  • Importance: Normal
  • Unsubscribe: mailto:listserver@halftone.co.uk

I scanned a slide with VueScan and found it deposited in the C:\Vuescan
folder on my Win2K system rather than in my default folder.

I went back through my setup and picked the default folder I wished to use
and yet on rescanning, the image again was deposited in the \VueScan folder.

I noticed that when I picked my default folder by clicking on the directory
tree in the Browse for folder dialog box, the folder name that was placed in
default folder input box was:

C:/Graphics/SlideScans/New Scans

Notice that the slashes are forward rather than backward.

When I manually replaced the forward slashes with backward slashes, the file
got saved in the desired folder.


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